Come join other grade four educators to plan using the new program of studies, bounce ideas off each other, and support your students using strategies that other educators find helpful. This session is not a formal presentation. Please come with your computer or other work to get the most out of the planning session.
Join for an interactive session where participants will learn how to harness the power of Google Sheets to create personalized planners, curriculum checklists, and a linked dashboard for seamless organization. Prepare to be working primarily in Sheets, with a dash of Canva. I'll show you a few things, the rest of the time is yours to build! For both beginners and intermediate users.
Morphology is more present in the new Division 1 language arts curriculum. While it is easy to feel overwhelmed by adding one more thing to our existing instruction, morphology doesn’t have to be one of those things. Come and learn some short and easy ideas for weaving morphological instruction into your existing lessons with cross curricular connections.
I will share the new structure of the Early Childhood Education Council as well as highlights from past ECEC professional development sessions in our local and from the Dec. 4 PD session with Alicia Burdess on Using Picture Books to Launch Big Beautiful Problems in Thinking Classrooms. Participants will be encouraged to network with other teachers at their grade levels to examine how they may use ideas shared, access more PD through the Early Childhood Education Council and work together to share best practices.
I have over 20 years of teaching experience and have been a member of the Early Childhood Education Council for as long as I have been teaching. I have served on the provincial executive since 2022 and work with the council to provide quality professional development for Kindergarten... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
S151299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB