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Thursday, February 20

9:00am MST

Computational Thinking 101: Foundations for Every Educator
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Unlock the power of computational thinking for you and your students! Discover how computational thinking can enhance problem-solving skills while connecting with storytelling, nature, art, and more. This session provides a gentle introduction to core concepts found in the new curriculum such as decomposition, abstraction, and algorithms. Through exploring a variety of activities, both plugged-in and unplugged, you’ll learn how to seamlessly incorporate these principles into your classroom regardless of subject or grade level. No prior experience in teaching computer science needed! Please bring a laptop, Chromebook or tablet to this session
avatar for Whitney Horban

Whitney Horban

Outreach Manager, Telus World of Science
TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is dedicated to fostering life-long learning by creating a vibrant science and technology culture in our region.  We offer a diverse array of in-person and virtual school programs. Our programs are connected to the Alberta curriculum and designed... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
F2003 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

9:00am MST

Food and Foldables
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
Upping student engagement using food and foldables to teach/ reinforce concepts in high school science courses like Biology 20 and Science 30
avatar for Leanne Rief

Leanne Rief

Science Teacher, EBHS
I love teaching Science!! That's a good thing as I've been doing it a LONG time :) I have taught in 7 different high schools and taught everything from Biology, General Science, Science 14/24, Fashion, ELL, CALM and even Social Studies.  Obviously, Science is my favourite!Hobbies... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
S106 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

10:30am MST

Exploring the New Curriculum Through MakeCode Arcade Games
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Strengthen your students’ problem-solving skills and engage creatively with the curriculum by creating games in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade! This session will provide you with the foundational knowledge to help your students design their own video games, then bring those games to life through block-based coding. Learn how computational thinking skills such as pattern recognition, algorithm design, and debugging are necessary when coding and how to connect games to curricular concepts in any subject. This session explores connections to the Computer Science curriculum for grades 4 and up. A laptop, Chromebook, or tablet is required for this session. Some devices will be available for loan on a first come, first served basis.
avatar for Whitney Horban

Whitney Horban

Outreach Manager, Telus World of Science
TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is dedicated to fostering life-long learning by creating a vibrant science and technology culture in our region.  We offer a diverse array of in-person and virtual school programs. Our programs are connected to the Alberta curriculum and designed... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
F2003 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

1:00pm MST

Mico:bit Bootcamp
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Does your school have Micro:bits, but you’re not sure how to use them in your classroom? Strengthen your students’ problem-solving skills and engage creatively with the curriculum with Micro:bits! This session will provide you with the foundational knowledge to help your students code Micro:bit programmable devices with block-based coding. Discover how computational thinking skills such as pattern recognition, algorithm design, and debugging play a crucial role in coding. Learn how to use these devices in cross-curricular projects, get hands-on experience with coding, and walk away with a few project ideas to use in your classroom! A laptop or Chromebook is required for this session.
avatar for Whitney Horban

Whitney Horban

Outreach Manager, Telus World of Science
TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is dedicated to fostering life-long learning by creating a vibrant science and technology culture in our region.  We offer a diverse array of in-person and virtual school programs. Our programs are connected to the Alberta curriculum and designed... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
F2003 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

1:00pm MST

Hands-on Minds On: The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Dive into an Alberta-based STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) initiative in partnership with Lethbridge Polytechnic that enriches K-12 education with practical trades experience. The session features an interactive opportunity for you to be in your students’ shoes to explore and engage with our free digital and hands-on resources. We'll start with a brief overview of the project and its connections to the mathematics and science curricula and industry. You will then spend the majority of the session interacting with the activities and resources that can be immediately implemented into your practice. We will seek your feedback on classroom application and potential resources. You’ll leave better equipped to answer the question of “Why do I need to learn this?” by connecting mathematics and science concepts to students’ everyday lives.
avatar for Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic

Lethbridge Polytechnic
Lethbridge Polytechnic: Your Partner in STEM are passionate advocates for the intersection of trades and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects in K-12 education. They play pivotal roles in developing and implementing an innovative STEM initiative in collaboration... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm MST
F2002 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

1:00pm MST

Lego, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration and Student Success (pre-registration required. Cost optional...please see description)
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm MST
Learn how you can teach the entire Bio 20 unit of Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Unit using Lego, to encourage students to create their own models. A complete lego set of over 720 pieces with 9 colour instruction maps, you will assemble your own model of a plant cell under going Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. The cost for the used/new lego set is $150. In addition participants will learn how to assess the students’ understanding that has shown significant results on standardized tests.
- Bring your own Lego (you will need 514 pieces of 28different elements)
- OPTIONAL: pay $125 includes 514 piece Lego set to keep and coloured 11x17 colour instructions
- e-transfer: plaehpro@gmail.com
-Please pre-register for this session by emailing Carter (plaehpro@gmail.com) and tell him whether you would like to purchase a lego set or bring your own. When the session is full, the session title will state.
- Cap: 25 people
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 3:30pm MST
F2005 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

2:30pm MST

Robot Bootcamp
Thursday February 20, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MST
Does your school have robots but you’re not sure how to use them in your classroom? Strengthen your students’ problem-solving skills and engage creatively with the curriculum through robotic exploration! This session will provide you with the foundational knowledge to help your students code a robot through block-based coding. Learn how computational thinking skills such as pattern recognition, algorithm design, and debugging are necessary when coding and how to connect robotics to curricular concepts in any subject. Get hands-on experience with a robot and walk away with a few project ideas to use in your classroom! The skills learned in this workshop will be transferrable to whatever robots your school has access to. Devices will be supplied for this session.
avatar for Whitney Horban

Whitney Horban

Outreach Manager, Telus World of Science
TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is dedicated to fostering life-long learning by creating a vibrant science and technology culture in our region.  We offer a diverse array of in-person and virtual school programs. Our programs are connected to the Alberta curriculum and designed... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MST
F2003 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
Friday, February 21

9:00am MST

Code Across the Curriculum: Innovative Strategies to Infuse Computer Science in K-6 Classrooms
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
In today’s digital world, computer science is becoming an essential skill, and integrating it into everyday learning is key to preparing students for the future. This session will explore creative and practical ways to infuse coding and computational thinking across the K-6 curriculum. Whether it’s using algorithms in math, coding stories in language arts, or simulating scientific experiments, participants will discover how computer science can enhance learning in all subject areas. Bringing your own device will be beneficial for this session.
avatar for Cassie Young

Cassie Young

Optimal Learning Coach, MHPSD#76
Cassie  is a passionate and dedicated educational coach, wife, and new mom. Her dynamic approach to her Optimal Learning Coach role with Medicine Hat Public school division  reflects her commitment to making learning engaging and meaningful for students, particularly through cross-curricular... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
F2004 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

9:00am MST

Making sky science memorable and effective
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
In our time together, Rod will provide examples of teaching methods along with visual resources to make learning sky science both memorable and effective. We will become aquainted with space, its size and scale, its contents and our place in the observable universe. Astronomy fills our every day culture. We actually know more astronomy than we realize and Rod will uncover these amazing cultural touchstones. For example, how the arctic gets its name, what the "dog days of summer" really means, or what does a zoo have in common with the zodiac? We will use visuals, hands on demonstrations as well as a PowerPoint presentation.
avatar for Rod Devries

Rod Devries

Rod has been doing astronomy for over 40 years. Teaching various aspects of astronomy is a passion. Making the far away seem near, or making the complex easy to comprehend. Rod used props, pictures and imagination to make space come alive for his audiences.  Rod built Eagle Butte... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
S103 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

9:00am MST

Forensics 25/35 (Pre-registration required)
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am MST
This is a share session where those of us teaching Forensics class can share and develop new lessons and ideas. Heather has developed this class as a very hands on experience using Podcasting, Labs and Guest Speakers to try to make Forensics as close to real life as possible but also extremely accessible to all levels of learners. Come with questions, ideas and things to share!

Please pre-register for this session by emailing Heather at heavendawn999@hotmail.com. 

avatar for Heather McCaig

Heather McCaig

Heather McCaig is a 26 year teacher in the Medicine Hat Public school division.  Heather has taught forensics for a number of years now with her teaching partners. When developing the course her and her partner focused on hands on activities that met outcomes but allowed all levels... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am MST
CHHS 1201 Division Avenue North

9:00am MST

Grade 5 - New Science Curriculum Working Group
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am MST
Let's get together and spend sometime planning effecive inquiry based resources and assessments for the new Science 5 Curriculum.
avatar for Rebecca Kroschel

Rebecca Kroschel

Division II Teacher, Grasslands School Division #6
Rebecca is an energetic teacher with many years of teaching in division II. She is a book lover and her passion for great literature spurs on her students to engage in reading, writing and participation in her class.
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am MST
S141 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
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