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Thursday, February 20

9:00am MST

Intentional Use of Data to Guide and Inform the Collaborative Conversation
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
It is not unusual for schools to be data-rich, but information-poor, collecting reams of student data but not ensuring the effective utilization of the information to guide next steps. In this session, Kurtis will explore a number of practical and easy to implement strategies and considerations for school leaders looking to ensure intentional organization and use of data to truly engage teachers, teams and help guide timely, collaborative responses for students.
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Kurtis Hewson

Lead Learner/Co-Founder, Jigsaw Learning
Kurtis Hewson has been an award-winning teacher, vice-principal, and principal, as well as taught at the post-secondary level. With over a decade of experience as an administrator, Kurtis has championed the call for collaborative structures in schools to ensure success for all students... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
E175 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

9:00am MST

Pop Quiz Hotshot...Dealing with Emergent Situations in Schools
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
This interactive session is designed for both prospective school administrators and current administrators. Participants will explore real-life situations that have occurred in schools in order to collaboratively discuss how they would handle the situations if they were the administrator-in-charge.
avatar for Tyler Powell

Tyler Powell

Tyler has been a teacher for the past 24 years and an in-school administrator for the past ten years.  The schools he has worked in include rural K-12 and K-9, as well as urban junior high and high school. He is currently the principal of Tilley School and Hockey Academy in the Grasslands... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
S102 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

10:30am MST

Stop Wasting My Time!! Strategies for Effectively Facilitating Team Meetings
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Are you frustrated with productivity and impact when meeting in teams? Our time is precious so how do we ensure time spent together is maximized, whether engaging in PLC's, collaborative team meetings, staff meetings or any other meetings at your school? In this session, Kurtis will share specific structures and processes essential when engaging in collaboration, with multiple samples and resources shared. He will also present strategies for facilitators responsible for leading team meetings. Plan on leaving the session with some resources and strategies to impact your next meeting!
avatar for Kurtis Hewson

Kurtis Hewson

Lead Learner/Co-Founder, Jigsaw Learning
Kurtis Hewson has been an award-winning teacher, vice-principal, and principal, as well as taught at the post-secondary level. With over a decade of experience as an administrator, Kurtis has championed the call for collaborative structures in schools to ensure success for all students... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
E175 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
Friday, February 21

9:00am MST

Unleash the Leader Within
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
You have what it takes to be an incredible leader and this session will help you identify the difference between someone with a title versus someone who makes a difference in their organization.
Whether you are new to your leadership journey or looking for strategies to creating a vibrant leadership foundation, this is for you. We will explore strategies to reduce overwhelm and increase efficiency.

avatar for Crystal Atkinson

Crystal Atkinson

Crystal Atkinson is passionate about helping others foster their inner leader! She is an Association Instructor for the ATA and an Instructional Coach for Grasslands Public Schools. Crystal is also a certified coach, trainer and speaker through Maxwell Leadership Team. Prior to this... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am MST
S140 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB

10:30am MST

Predictable Personalities and How to Navigate Them!
Friday February 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
Have you ever wondered why some staff are motivated one way while others aren't? Have you left a conversation wondering what went wrong? Personalities are everywhere! Some people draw us in and others make us want to run away! In this session, we will learn about different personality types so that we can improve how we connect with others.

Optional: If you would like to receive a comprehensive personality profile with your unique style, motivators, fears and leadership qualities, email Crystal and she will send you the survey. This must be completed prior to convention in order to receive this on time. Cost: $40 (convention special)

avatar for Crystal Atkinson

Crystal Atkinson

Crystal Atkinson is passionate about helping others foster their inner leader! She is an Association Instructor for the ATA and an Instructional Coach for Grasslands Public Schools. Crystal is also a certified coach, trainer and speaker through Maxwell Leadership Team. Prior to this... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 10:30am - 11:30am MST
S140 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
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