Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Does your school have Micro:bits, but you’re not sure how to use them in your classroom? Strengthen your students’ problem-solving skills and engage creatively with the curriculum with Micro:bits! This session will provide you with the foundational knowledge to help your students code Micro:bit programmable devices with block-based coding. Discover how computational thinking skills such as pattern recognition, algorithm design, and debugging play a crucial role in coding. Learn how to use these devices in cross-curricular projects, get hands-on experience with coding, and walk away with a few project ideas to use in your classroom! A laptop or Chromebook is required for this session.
avatar for Whitney Horban

Whitney Horban

Outreach Manager, Telus World of Science
TELUS World of Science – Edmonton is dedicated to fostering life-long learning by creating a vibrant science and technology culture in our region.  We offer a diverse array of in-person and virtual school programs. Our programs are connected to the Alberta curriculum and designed... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
F2003 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
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