APPLE Schools (A Project Promoting healthy Living for Everyone in schools) is an innovative school-focused health promotion initiative. It improves the lives of more than 33,000 students annually in over 100 schools across Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Ontario by improving their healthy eating, physical activity, and mental health habits. Join us for an inspiring session that highlights the innovative efforts of two APPLE Schools implementation sites and the dedicated School Health Facilitators driving positive change. Discover real-life examples of how schools successfully integrate Comprehensive School Health initiatives to create healthier, more active learning environments. Learn how to build excitement and generate buy-in among staff and community members, empowering everyone to play a role in fostering a healthy school culture. The Facilitators will share their experiences, insights, and practical strategies for overcoming challenges and facilitating impactful transformations in your own setting. Get ready to be inspired and equipped with the tools to ignite healthy change in your school community!