Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
For so many educators, parents and students the issues around the Queer-identifying populace known by a string of letters - LGB2SQA+ - becomes confusing and a point of contention at times. This session will inform educators of some of the history behind queer identities, rights and movements to gain a more accepting view of people who both live in, as well as the progress made around this human rights movement. There will be time and space given to have some honest questions and provide some insights into directions for forward growth in accepting our little humans as very unique and diverse entities. This is meant to be a collaboration with sharing knowledge, insights and helpful tools/strategies for more positive, inclusive learning environments for ALL!
avatar for Misty Zanger

Misty Zanger

I am a recently retired public school educator with over 15 years teaching experience. I have several years of substitute teaching at all grade levels across all three school divisions in the Medicine Hat area as well as ten years of teaching at the high school level. I have taught... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
S146 299 College Dr SE, Medicine Hat, AB
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